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  1. A

    sooo confused about my subjects help me ong

    Economics scales better than physics does and if enterprise is the new IPT it will scale just fine as well, dont buy into the Asian 5 propaganda that you NEED chemistry and physics. the only thing you need is 4 unit and you'll do fine.
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    HSC scaling

    Pretty close to how this works but not entirely accurate. Worth noting btw that moderated assessment mark = the Assessment Mark/Grade you see for free on your transcript and aligned external mark = Examination mark. For one, your external marks do not receive a moderation, they receive an...
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    Is 98+ ATAR Realistic?

    98 is in play but might be pushing a little, all depends on trials. definitely 96+. Imo best play rn is sack physics entirely because its a lost cause and try and get some ground in your english, modern, and SOR trials -> need to lock in your responses for hsc. Modern, English & SOR is all rote...
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    What ATAR does my current ranks translate into?

    mystery mark since its a mystery what your schools band 6 rates are 💀
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    I’ve heard that if a class has less than 8 people, rankings don’t matter.

    The reason your teacher has got this in her head is that when schools receive the hsc data reports nesa only sends one of the mark distribution graphs if the relevant subject cohort has greater than a certain amount of people. I thought it was 5 but might be 8. But no, alignment and moderation...
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    ATAR estimation please 🙏

    I should preface by saying I went to a rank 500 school so I have a good idea about the grade inflation they normally give from observing my year and the previous ones. English -> this is a dark horse because its so subjective and most teachers have 0 sense on how to mark it properly, but...
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    Extremely Concerned About My ATAR - Alternative Pathways?

    Early entry applications are still open, apply. You're free cash to them, they'll accept you even if your marks arent great.
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    can i still get 90+ atar?

    Realistically no. If you lock in for trials and do amazing and then killed HSC its possible but I wouldn't set your expectations that high. Best of luck in trials.
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    Which subject shld i drop

    Bad mindset & self fufilling prophecy. If you have to spend time on history ext, youre going to have less time for all your other subjects which will result in your maths suffering, and the miniscule benefit the extension subject gives wont be worth the decrease to the rest of your subjects. If...
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    2026 HSC CHAT

    You've quite clearly got to take what I'm saying with a grain of salt considering I did something incredibly close to Asian 5 and still did physics in year 11 -> the only reason I didn't do unmodified A5 in year 12 is the only physics teacher went on maternity leave 🤷‍♂️. The key take away from...
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    AFFORDABLE MATHEMATICS & BUSINESS STUDIES TUTORING | 98.60 ATAR | 98 Advanced Math | 95 Business Studies | 94 MX1 | 93 MX2

    Absolute rubbish. His prices are fine for someone with his marks. I wouldnt wipe my ass with $30/h 🤷‍♂️ may as well work at coles at that point
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    Which school's exams are the best to practice on?

    standard maths doesnt have many good papers around at all because hardly any selective schools offer the course at all. Independent and CSSA (which you've already done) were your best bet, maybe Knox/Barker? Or old syllabus HSC papers and just skip what you dont cover.
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    2026 HSC CHAT

    It specifically needs to be 4u, 3u, engadv, chem and phys for it to be called Asian 5, since the whole point of giving it the name to begin with was to save time since half of all selective school students are doing those exact 5. If you were doing chem & bio you'd normally say "I'm doing A5 but...
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    Which subject shld i drop

    Your numbers are off. This is the 2023 data
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    Which subject shld i drop

    why are you talking as though history extension allows you to drop bio? you can drop bio either way as you can do 10 units in year 12. history extension is only 1 unit so even if you do pick it you wont be able to drop two subjects.
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    Which subject shld i drop

    10 units is optimal as 16% more study time and unless youre a sydney grammar legend whos gonna SR 3 extension language subjects i guarentee you that you wont benefit from more than 10 units. There is nothing wrong with dropping a subject, no one can handle that much workload.
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    Which subject shld i drop

    Having all essays if you prefer essays is far better than having all but a few essays. History Extensions is a rubbish idea because it is 2 units of work for 1 unit of reward and it scales abysmally so the reward is hardly a reward. But if you like it then sure! I would sack Biology probably.
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    should i drop maths? Heres your course handbook. Looks like theres no first year maths and the learning descriptions on the semester 1 courses dont seem to include anything analytical so i wouldn't worry too much about...
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    is ext 2 maths really worth it

    this reeks of cope. if youre capable of doing 3u, youre capable of doing 4u and the benefit will help you. you dont need to get an e4 for the scaling to be better than advanced, you only need like a 75 hsc mark or like 49 raw is going to be good enough to outdo adv for the most part. If youre...
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    is ext 2 maths really worth it

    40% of the state gets e4 in 4u and the majority of the rest get an e3 that will correlate to a >90 atar contribution. I had no tutoring, went to a rank 550 school, and had a 4u teacher who hadn't taught the course this syllabus and had me teach it to him, and even still I self learnt all of 4u...