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  1. imsostupid

    how much do the yr 12 assignments matter in your atar??

    i legit just got 59% for last terms assesment bruv and im in yr 12 now welp im so fucked but i really like mod 7 and 8
  2. imsostupid

    Legal Studies MEDIA LIBRARY!

    i wanna kiss u for this
  3. imsostupid


  4. imsostupid

    daddy zade medows

    daddy zade medows
  5. imsostupid

    Physics coaching year 11 - Ace, Matrix or Sigma?

    winston is a fat slay, really good teacher,, i had him but i dropped chem because of my school teacher and other reasons but he is amazing fr,, explains concepts really well and he keeps asking everyone questions and makes sure everyone understands what hes teaching
  6. imsostupid

    Physics coaching year 11 - Ace, Matrix or Sigma?

    sigma is very good but like only if you have chris (the owner) or ryan if he ever comes back (the owner) hes amazing he does online too and its also great for chem
  7. imsostupid

    how much do the yr 12 assignments matter in your atar??

    im in yr 11 going into yr 12 and im so worried if i should drop physics because im not getting 90% atm and idk how much it matters