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    Complex Numbers

    Thats reassuring coming from someone who got 95 in e2 haha
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    Complex Numbers

    2023 NEAP - I found it to be pretty hard (I got 73 lmao) - good paper doe
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    Complex Numbers

    Hmm, the answers did a different sort of thing - From this can you see where they found out that the modulus = 1?
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    Complex Numbers

    Just a quick question with this, I divided by z^2 to get the conjugates, but how do yk that the modulus of the roots are both 1? The product of roots = 9/9 = 1 = |w1|^2|w2|^2 --> is this enough to warrent that the modulus' are 1?
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    Need help figuring out what to do after school

    idk i feel like the math/science fields don't feel as rewarding as something like medicine where you can see how your helping people but ig i wont really know without actually doing the jobs. Beginning of the year I was thinking of doing actuarial studies but everyone says its hella boring +...
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    Need help figuring out what to do after school

    I'm lost with what to do after school right now, and with early entry and uac applications coming up I really need some ideas of degrees apply for - any help would be much appreciated. I do E2, chem, phys, eng adv --> I enjoy/am good at the math/sciences but I'm not really sure if I wanna spend...
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    Request for Reduction Formula derivation

    Let u = sin^(2n-1)x, dv/dx = sinx, then when u do integration by parts u should get something like sin^(2n-2)x multiplied by cos^2x = 1- sin^2x
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    Parametric Equation

    Would you do a table of values for most ugly 3d vector graphs like these, cause I can't really find another efficent way to go about it. I just feel like in the exam a table of values would take way to long to do accurately
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    Parametric Equation

    Where do you get the intuition to make x=sint and y=cost for clockwise circles?
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    2024 HSC Chat

    Yea eng has me dying rn I need all my essays done and memorised in time for like week 6-7 + chem/phys mod 8 which is a drag
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    2024 HSC Chat

    When does everyone finish content for hsc? My school finishes term 2 week 5 which has got me cramming so hard rn
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    help pls

    yea thats mb im tripping rn haha - I think the difference in velocity is squared not the difference of them squared
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    Mod 7 UV Catastrophe Question

    From what I've seen so far, yea its good enough to just talk about E=hf, f increases, E increases thus probability decreases, but I really don't like how HSC physics is structured that way. I keep getting confused because half the time it just wants me to accept things :(
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    Mod 7 UV Catastrophe Question

    Thankyou so much for your response, I've got a few questions from your explanation Every oscillator can spend this energy "budget" in a mode that has a particular frequency or wavelength, and there are no excluded values - given that on average they all have kT energy ie. all oscillators have...
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    Mod 7 UV Catastrophe Question

    Hey guys, could anyone explain to me how classical theory of light assuming that every oscillator having the same kinetic energy at a given temperature is an incorrect assumption leads to the ultraviolet catastrophe. Also, I get how quantising energy abides by the law of conservation of energy...
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    Notes for e2?

    Hey guys, is it worth writing notes for e2?
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    Buffer Systems

    Bit confused with this, if hydroxide reacts with the weak acid CH3CH2COOH, wouldn't that decrease concentration of weak acid, thus resulting in equilibrium shifting left. Or has the consumption of H+ and partial consumption of CH3CH2COOH still result in a shift to the right/
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    I'm sort of getting it, so we look at the oxidation states in a given compound, find the one furtherst away and then that part oxidises/reduces. So in this question, Iron (II) sulfate was made up in a 250 mL solution. 25 mL of this solution was titrated against 0.020 mol L-1 potassium(VII)...
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    K Calculation Questions

    Theres been this part of calculations that I never understood. Say this question, a solution of iorn (II) hydroxide has a pH of 9.42. Calculate the solubility, in g/L of iorn (II) hydroxide in this solution. You find [OH-] = 10^-4.58, since Fe(OH)2 --> Fe2+ + 2OH-, why can't we just half the...
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    So you base which one oxidises/reduces off their standard reduction potentials? How did you know this: H2O2 ------> O2 + 2H+ + 2e- I can't find it on the HSC chemistry datasheet. Also, idk if this is a dumb question but how do you know what part of the compound to choose, like you only took into...