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  1. P

    Major Works Update?

    Fair enough, most people in my art class are doing paintings but my visual arts teacher recommended me to do photography as he said that I would have a stronger bow with that form of art and I'm not strong with the traditional art aspect anyways.
  2. P

    Major Works Update?

    Aww for what reason if you don't mind me asking?
  3. P

    Major Works Update?

    My photography is about exploring South Asian identity and culture in Australian environments!
  4. P

    Major Works Update?

    I'm so screwed fr, I did one photoshoot for my major work these holidays that's about it, I've did like 5-6 photoshoots by now but I feel as my teacher is going to criticize them.
  5. P

    2024 HSC: is anyone else feeling really unmotivated and not getting through a lot these holidays?

    Honestly same here, like before the holidays began, I kept telling myself that I was going to do past papers but instead I just did mind maps of my subjects in the first week of holidays and this week I've been working on my assessments because I have two on the FIRST week of school.
  6. P

    How is everyone going with Ancient?

    General question because even though I'm doing okay with ancient history at the moment, I'm so scared for HSC trials with that subject because there's so much information in that subject and it's difficult for me personally to find sources.
  7. P

    How are people going with there pips at the moment?

    My personal interest project has been going alright at the moment. My teacher rated me as 60% finished in my progress report but I haven't fully finished analyzing and synthesizing my secondary research. I re did my introduction as I changed my hypothesis for the PIP because I've found more that...
  8. P

    Is term 1 holidays too late to start my major work?

    I only have done two photoshoots out of my six so far & my second photoshoot didn't turn out the best. Honestly at the moment I'm just using visual arts as a socializing subject. I don't even know how I'm passing.
  9. P

    Is having five quotes in my Mod A essay enough?

    alright this made me more relieved thank you so much!!
  10. P

    Is having five quotes in my Mod A essay enough?

    alright thank you so much!!
  11. P

    Is having five quotes in my Mod A essay enough?

    So basically, I had my Module A assessment for Standard English today and I think I went well. However, I was like on my fifth page, and I started my third body paragraph. Mid way into the paragraph my teacher told us there was only four minutes left so I jumped to the conclusion because I...
  12. P

    PIP Questionnaire (again)

    Hello I'm a year 12 student currently studying the subject of Society and Culture for the HSC. I have recently lost my responses from the previous questionnaire you may/ may not have responded to. I just wanted to ask you just in case you're interested in answering this one? How does the...
  13. P

    THE NEW ONE IGNORE MY PREVIOUS MESSAGE How does the portrayal of women in the media link to...

    THE NEW ONE IGNORE MY PREVIOUS MESSAGE How does the portrayal of women in the media link to internalised misogyny within us and others? - Google Forms
  14. P

    Is term 1 holidays too late to start my major work?

    we in the same boat fr, apart from the fact I'm doing photography instead
  15. P

    can I still get a 80+ Atar?

    alright thank you thank you!!
  16. P

    The housing crisis - SOC PIP

    done!! this is a great questionnaire!!
  17. P

    can I still get a 80+ Atar?

    I don't know my ranks atm so I can only make assumptions. I'm pretty sure I'm 4th in Ancient History Only four people in my class got 50% or over in my English class but there's three other Standard English classes at my school so I can't make a proper estimate on that. In Society and Culture...
  18. P

    can I still get a 80+ Atar?

    Assessment one results: Ancient History (26/40) - 65% (weighting 20%) Standard English (10/20) - 50% (weighting 15%) Society and Culture (10/25) - 40% (weighting 25%) Studies of Religion 2: 22/30 - 73% (weighting 20%) Visual Arts: (14/20) - 70% (weighting 20%) in the brackets are the marks I...