currently have business studies picked for 2025 yr11 but I hear legals more fun and easy. Thing is I’m interested in both but I don’t want to do all three social sciences bc Ive already picked eco and i think id like to keep eco. So which one’s better scaling wise and content wise.
bro all these other options don't have good materials such as the books given in matrix and idk but since the tutors in matrix are fast paced face 2 face i was wondering if matrix+ is a good option to consider bc honestly someone just give me the 95+ atar already. any other suggestions are...
first of all id like to start by saying i do not go to a selective school, i'm a average year 10 5.3 student but i really can get good results if i prepare and put my mind to it. i've chosen extension 1 and mathematics advanced for year 11 and i really want to do well so i was searching for...
yeah hospo seemed fun for the food and some freetime but i think ill go w ancient the 35hr work placement threw me off too bc no one told me when i picked the subject.
Last term we chose our subjects for year 11 and 12.
Initially i chose english adv, 3u maths, economics, business studies, enterprise computing and hospitality VET
But now im really reconsidering hospitality VET because is it really worth it? i just chose it as a subject to not be stressed about...
yeahh im gonna use hospo as a relax subject from all the feedback ive received, i am intrested in legal but i dont want too many essay content heavy subjects since im not the greatest at essay writing (pray for me im doing eng advanced)
ive submitted my selections so maybe if i dont like...
i actually tried do you mind telling me the names because i couldnt find them when i tried and if you have any links that would be helpful too if im gonna get into 4U i must start the grind rn..
Bro this took my confidence up so much because i was told without a science i wouldnt make a 99+ the thing is its not like i totally hate science its more so like i dont understand it like i understand maths or eco so its just more work ig? and i havent payed attention to science since year 7 so...
yeah i dont like science but now that ive given the form in im thinking of physics when ive literally handed in the form but thanks for the help ill def refer back if i need any help with math ext 1 or adv and english adv!!
So my subject selections are out and im hella confused ive selected them for the most part but im a bit unsure about some of them.
my subjects so far :
English Adv (mostly certain im not amazing at english im more of a maths girlie so like ima try this one out ig)
Mathematics Adv (certain)...