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  1. penaddictT-T


  2. penaddictT-T

    currently kidnapping children

    currently kidnapping children
  3. penaddictT-T

    Edutest Tips - Entry into Yr 11 2025 -Sydney Girls

    good luck getting in :) no bias here, but sghs is the best :>
  4. penaddictT-T


    thanks for the help :) subject selection is the worst T-T
  5. penaddictT-T


    do you know the difference between them? i heard 1 is more free than 2 but 2 scales better are both enjoyable? if u wanted to know my skill level: amusa piano ameb (recently passed that hehe)
  6. penaddictT-T


    hi :> doing subject selections for y 11 would like to know opinions on: physics chem bio science extension (for y 12) music 1 music 2 eco ty very very much :>