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  1. academic_reaper

    Not Prelim-related

    Hii, can anyone please post their speech for school captain? l need inspiration, and my last one wasn't that great tbh... glad if someone could help out : )
  2. academic_reaper

    Eng Adv Vs Standard

    right... no for essays I'm good, that's bc we r given the essay questions, 90s for that, but its the short answers i rlly struggle with. like id do past hsc papers, any random short answers, n never or rarely get full marks. but thx for ur advice tho
  3. academic_reaper

    Can some one help me with poetic techniques

    Do you, by chance, have a table, docs or website that lists all the poetic techniques, how to analyse using them and examples of them? And maybe another table, or so, for general texts? Because l'm rlly struggling with techniques and i suppose its not smth that could be fixed overnight.
  4. academic_reaper

    Eng Adv Vs Standard

    So say im doing maths ext + adv, legal, chem + bio, so do u think i should move in order to save my other grades? l'm getting in the high 90s for bio, math n legal, high 80s for chem, but for eng its a straight up 78%
  5. academic_reaper

    Eng Adv Vs Standard

    l've heard from teachers and students that stan. eng is a lot easier n the workload is 50% less than adv english. Considering this, should l move from adv to standard? l'm scared whether or not that will bring my ATAR down, n currently, l'm 15th in my cohort of 95.
  6. academic_reaper

    resources for hast exam

    maybe try everything u learnt and will learn this year n then do some pretty hard questions for it. Find some sample materials online, they may help too. either ways, gl n believe in urself