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  1. M

    I need resources for Prelim Ext 1

    What maths teachers generally do is they buy a bunch of company tests, merge their favourite questions and maybe add/alter one or two. I can't post links so look up mathematics extension 1 past papers, click the link that says THSC and go to prelims and you can find some past papers there.
  2. M

    Tips on how to memorise further reflections??

    Don't memorise them. (In my opinion) it is best to work them out methodically for example: If we take the modulus of a function, then everything will be positive and will now move above the x-axis. If we take the modulus of x, then we know that both sides of the y-axis will mirror each other...
  3. M

    What should I drop??

    I had the exact same subjects as you except I do SOR instead of legal. I ended up dropping chemistry as I picked up extension 2 maths and like you, the content didn't always interest me. I can't say that I regretted that decision, so if that helps you feel confident in dropping chemistry, you're...