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  1. birdofhermes

    has anyone dropped down from math advanced to math standard?

    im not one of those people who cares about if their subjects are well scaling or not cuz if i do bad i do bad and its not like scaling is gonna save me, and i could definitely do well in standard since looking at some of its content it looks really easy (for me at least) and i just dont wanna be...
  2. birdofhermes

    has anyone dropped down from math advanced to math standard?

    my friends told me i should wait until i get the results but this one exam has already caused me so much stress and i dont understand anything and the content will just keep on piling up so i think i might just drop asap, dont wanna be stressed anymore
  3. birdofhermes

    improving analysis of unseen texts?

    i improved my english grades so much in year 10, i averaged like 60%-70% and the teacher said advanced wasnt the course for me (even though i was in the top eng class at the time) but i persisted and in the yearly exam i got 19/20 and i was so happy!!! im loving eng adv rn and im so glad im not...
  4. birdofhermes

    improving analysis of unseen texts?

    thank you!! my teacher was going on and on about it and said theres really no way to study for it you just have to know and it made me panic lol
  5. birdofhermes

    has anyone dropped down from math advanced to math standard?

    thank you!! im planning to do languages in uni so maths isnt necessary. and i agree, id rather get a 90 in standard than a 50 in advanced, and it lets me focus on other subjects too rather than just putting all my time into maths. hopefully the school will let me drop down
  6. birdofhermes

    i love you resources!! pls post some for japanese ^^;

    i love you resources!! pls post some for japanese ^^;
  7. birdofhermes

    improving analysis of unseen texts?

    my teacher goes on and on about how when it comes to analysing unseen texts in exams "you either got it or you dont". i would say im quite good at writing analytical essays, but when it comes to annotating, finding techniques, etc, in an unseen text im quite slow. any way to improve this?
  8. birdofhermes

    help on finding sources for ww1?

    i have a hand in assignment due soon requiring me to find 5 sources and write about them, however for some reason this is the hardest part for me. i need one cartoon, one photograph, one written source, one secondary source, and i think the fifth one doesnt matter. the questions for each source...
  9. birdofhermes

    has anyone dropped down from math advanced to math standard?

    when i picked math advanced in year 10 the teacher told me id have no problem with the amount of work but in actuality i have a very big problem with the work and i am struggling to keep up and understand all the content... actually, i have a math adv test tomorrow thats worth 30% of my grade...