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  1. J

    English Extension 2, 2007 - Mediums

    My teacher told my class that film was completely different from video. Film involves the actual 'film' used in the recording process rather than digital video cameras. Not many people can afford a studio film crew and their equipment. : /
  2. J

    Creative Responses

    I have to write the beginning of a Crime Fiction practise response for ext 1 and I have a night to do it in. It tells me that we need to have a narrative plan visible? What’s all this about including techniques as well. I understand that you need to write a story including the conventions of the...
  3. J

    English Extension II... 2007

    There are about ten students in my E2 class of which about half are doing short stories and then the rest divided between critical response and digital works. I have chosen to do a short story and my ideas are very well formulated. My journal only has sixteen pages of writing/typing in it...