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  1. T

    Chemistry of Art

    Vanadium was one of the ones I managed to just show that blue and red aren't absorbed (draw a continuous line absorption spectrum with percentage absorption) and that explains the purple colour. It's like drawing the opposite of a reflectance spectrum. The one I struggled with was the...
  2. T

    The real CONFIRMED mc answers

    This doesn't prove it's a charged particle. Light has momentum too, it will propel a solar sail. Showing the beam has momentum does not prove that it is a charged particle. In regard to question 4 I rearranged delta y=ut + 1/2at^2 to get t=sqrt(h/0.5a) then plugged in a few linear values for h...
  3. T

    CONFIRMED mc answers!

    Q4 is A not C. The dependent variable is the one that depends on the other variable. In this case, the time it takes for the ball to reach the ground DEPENDS on the height it's dropped from. The height is being controlled, often time is plotted on the x axis but not in this case, which is...