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  1. C

    BOW Help!

    look into the material practice of an artist called Ron Mueck.
  2. C

    Low UAI - Options for Uni?

    mate, take a few years off and work here or overseas. have a good time and relax and come back when your 21 as a mature aged student.
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    Photography in HSC BOW & more

    I would never in a million years use a DSLR for my HSC photography artwork. they take photographs that are too good. they will show your mistakes. at the end of the day- your 17 or 18 with comparativly low experience with DSLR and it will show. I used film for mine and I got the results I...
  4. C

    ArtExpress 09

    yeah. I made NSW Art Gallery. it's a series of b/w photographs. and a portfolio of all my photos. are we allowed to drink at the opening night?