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    brecht - contempory society

    I think we share the same teacher. She did the exact same thing, and we pretty much just do all our own study in our own time , not really knowing what we're looking for. Stabbing in the dark at ideas that she doesnt even ...grr. im annoyed, the hsc exam is this afternoon and i want to stab her...
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    Any Multimedia students who take it seriously?

    ps,.. what are your projects?
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    Any Multimedia students who take it seriously?

    hahaha I havent decided on the song though!! those are jsut a few options. So what do we do?! Just sit around with no idea how to manage a portfolio?? I'm screwed... can any of you do timelines? xx
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    Any Multimedia students who take it seriously?

    Hey everyone My current multi class: - I'm the only girl - Everyone's on myspace and purevolume - No one's started ther project bar a few nerds and me - My teacher isnt even in the class room right now I was just wondering if anyone who takes it seriously could help me with my...
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    Piercings and Tattoos

    I have two piercings in each lobe. then one in my nose, and one in my tragus. I'm going to be getting more on my ears these next holidays. I wanted my tongue , but pussy'd out. xx
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    Folio Structure

    Hey guys I'd really appreciate it if you could send me some examples of a timeline? like the time managment and how you show it in your folio, I know that theres a table but It just doesnt make sense to me. And do you now if we have to have a financial plan? because mine doesnt cost anything...