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  1. L


    Hey has anyone heard if their projects got into designtech!!? I was nominated but havent heard anything more, so i guess I didn't get in.Just wondering if anyone else did??
  2. L

    who rekons its a riot?

    Hey Crazymaniak i got nominated also.What did you make?
  3. L

    Practice Papers Please!

    Hey guys, does anyone have anymore practice papers? Half yearly or trials whatever you've got. I really need some! thanx
  4. L

    Ancient, Sparta,Fall of Roman republic, Caesar

    Swap notes anyone. I got heaps good notes on Sparta all the points answered from syllabus,plus analysis of sources, trade, and extexted response on spartan art. On fall of Roman republic, i need Syllabus notes, mine are bad!But ive got good essays on Pompey and violence in the roman...