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Search results

  1. S

    2008 HSC Timetable

    My timetable is pretty good other than the fact chemistry is last... i just wanted to get it over with. 17th English Paper 1 20th Advanced English 24th Biology 27th Mathematics 30th IPT 5th PDHPE 6th Chemistry THEN IS ALL OVER....YER BABY:cool:
  2. S

    School captaincy speeches

    hey thanx man...i'll keep all that in mind you've been a great help
  3. S

    School captaincy speeches

    hey thanx 4 the tip...wat high school did u go 2...im from wollongong 2
  4. S

    School captaincy speeches

    Hey guys n gurls im running for school captain 08 and our election speeches are coming up. Does anybody hav any ideas of what to say or wat changes school captains hav the power to implement??????:confused: all suggestions would be much appreciated. luv u all....hope every1 does good in their...