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Search results

  1. D

    Religion and Peace Analysis

    only one religion, expected to write more, got only about 7 pages LOL
  2. D

    Section 3 analysis (20 markers)

    enviro ethics for buddhism. thought the statement fitted the question well also got good mileage, just under 2 full booklets, related it all to the 8fold path, 5precepts, 4noble truths, 3jewels etc etc
  3. D

    Buddhist ethics and jewish practice.

    Hey, just needed some help with Buddhist environmental ethics and jewish marriage questions. The question is Link ONE significant Jewish practice to TWO Jewish beliefs.Does anyone know how to attack this question in relation to marriage? Thanks. :uhhuh:
  4. D

    SOR 2U- Done? How much further?

    Religion and peace after our trials lol.
  5. D

    your current favourite song

    Roshe Banot- Les amants de sion i think jewish remix of boten anna and now ur gon by bass hunter and in my arms, kylie lollll
  6. D

    FAQ-King Lear

    What do people think of Lear's death at the end?
  7. D

    Procrastination, hmm...

    It's never too late ;)
  8. D


    No this student hasnt got a zero yet. She has to go to a meeting first.
  9. D


    Is cheating classified as going to the toilet without asking although other people do it and only that particular student gets told that?
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    Does anyone know if any teacher has the authority to give a student a score of zero in an exam in any circumstance, and what appeal measures are available to the student. :)
  11. D

    La musique francophone

    i still like her anyway :lol:
  12. D

    Recent record with unemployment

    can anyone explain this? i understand that since october 2001 it has been falling.
  13. D

    Recent record with unemployment

    Can anyone discuss Australia's recent rate of unemployment. Does anyone also know how 33 year lows of unemployment has made inflation to remain constrained?
  14. D

    Influence on followers

    Having a bit of trouble with this, i was wondering if anyone could comment on how religion influences the lives of followers?
  15. D

    limitations of international law

    hey does anyone have any information or know anything about the limitations of international law in the protection fo rights?
  16. D

    Establisment of equilibrium

    do u know how the effect of a decrease in demand will have on equilibrium price and quantity?
  17. D

    Establisment of equilibrium

    what if there is a shortage?
  18. D

    Establisment of equilibrium

    does anyone know how equilibrium will be established if there i a shortage or a surplus in the market?
  19. D

    *help* Why do the needs of the state take priority

    need help quick plz, can anyone think of anything presto?:confused:
  20. D

    La musique francophone

    there is this mad song called ne retiens pas te larmes, dunno who its by soz!!