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  1. J

    Deleting account

    that link doesnt work (Contact Moderators Forum)...and if you get your account permanently banned can you make a new account using the same email that you had with the old account??
  2. J

    does anyone know a chemist...

    does anyone know of an Australian scientist, who has done work relating to chimstry, after 1980. i googled it, but all the aussie people i found had done stuff before 1980, and were uni professors after 1980, or they were dead long before 1980. this is for a year 11 assignment... thanx in...
  3. J

    mini pip survey

    haha i know who this "kid" is... anyways thanx everyone for replying to myy survey... ive just gotta do my conclusion, except i dont know how... any ideas (or examples of anyone else's, doesnt matter if a completely different topic, i just wanna know what it looks like)
  4. J

    prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least tw

    Re: prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least ok thanx, i'll probably use those words...make me sound smart
  5. J

    mini pip survey

    lol yeah i know her, we sit next to each other in every class
  6. J

    Mini pip survey plz do!!!

    i though id already posted this, but i cant find it... Hello I am a year 11 student from Engadine High School, currently researching my personal interest project for Society and Culture. I have chosen to study verbal abuse and its implications for the victim and perpetrator. To help me with...
  7. J

    Mini - Pip Questions

    Age: 16 Sex: Female 1. Do play any electronic games? Why? Yes, mainly to pass the time, and to help myslef di-stress about school work (I'm not allowed to go out much so games are my one way to pass time) 2. Do you own a computer or other gaming consoles to play electronic games? Why...
  8. J

    Pip Survey Please Do!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gender: Female Year of Birth: 1991 What is your classification of the 'ideal body image' for women of all ages? Women seem to want to be skinny, yet not grossly so, and want large breasts In your time, have you seen what people think as the 'perfect body shape' change? [For example...
  9. J

    mini pip survey

    Hello I am a year 11 student from Engadine High School, currently researching my personal interest project for Society and Culture. I have chosen to study verbal abuse and its implications for the victim and perpetrator. To help me with my research, it would be greatly appreciated if you would...
  10. J

    prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least tw

    Re: prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least ... i really have no idea what half the words that you've used mean, i guess i'll just ask the teacher, though its due first friday back
  11. J

    prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least tw

    Re: bio. prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at haha tamara u make me smile ...about the module... i have no idea, and i dont have access to a microscoope, not that i'd know what to do with it... when we first got the assignment i asked the teacher to...
  12. J

    prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least tw

    Re: bio. prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at i dont really get what to do... do i just look for similarities and differences (they seem too obvious eg. snail and caterpillar...hmm one has legs one doesnt, one has a shell the other doesnt...they're both...
  13. J

    prelim. assign.: perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least tw

    "perform a first hand investigation to show variation in at least two species of a living organism"... any ideas on what to do would be really helpful...
  14. J

    Help me please!!

    haha same-o tamara some gr8 websites are: -oil stuff...