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  1. P

    Would a 17 year old sleeping with a 15 year old be charged the same as a 50 year old?

    ok if 16 does not equal illegal, his main point was that if the children are nearer in age e.g. two 15 year olds, then the policeman does hav input into the case, in the form of wether it reaches court at all. But yeh this is quite a volatile issue, can be argued either way i guess.
  2. P

    Would a 17 year old sleeping with a 15 year old be charged the same as a 50 year old?

    hey guys, ok umm at the beginning of this year, im in yr 12, we had a ex-policeman come talk to all the boys of our grade as some kind of informative talk about date rape, binging etc.. anyway, he mentioned the fact about sleeping with younger girls/boys. he said tha in numerous causes that...
  3. P

    Does anyone have a PlayStation Three?

    i've heard from ppl with a ps3 that hey totally regret it. hard luk for them. $1000 down tha drain.