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  1. freehugsme

    BOP Surplus?

    Hey kids :D Just a question, what is a BOP surplus. Maybe I've been ignorant all this time but I thought BOPs always added to zero b/c of the inverse relationship b/w the CFA & the CA (net omission errors aside and all) . I Googled it and there was the example of China having both a CAS & a...
  2. freehugsme

    Help w/ Environmental Management essay

    Aww shucks, thanks for being such uber help guys :)
  3. freehugsme

    Help w/ Environmental Management essay

    G'day Boredites :D Okay I have an essay question that has the tendency to make my head spin. So maybe you lovely Boredites could help :D " Using Australian examples, explain the costs and benefits of managing the environment. With reference to the issues you have discussed, identify policies...
  4. freehugsme

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    Minka. Did I tell you I find you so much more intimidating because of your hip man posse? ;D
  5. freehugsme

    Case study essay question help needed :)

    Late, late it's very late but thanks :D
  6. freehugsme

    Case study essay question help needed :)

    I have an essay question which asks : "Discuss the impacts of globalisation on economic growth, economic development and the quality of life of a country other than Australia" Trouble is, there are 'factors to be included", distribtion of income, trade, investment, technology, foreign affairs...