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  1. S

    what is the '7 digit umat number'?

    As Rusty_rogue has already told you, it will be given to you on your admissions ticket which should be very soon. The colours change every year btw.
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    [Dilemma, dilemma: Dentistry, Optometry and Pharmacy] My insights - need advice.

    Hehe I'm a Pharmaceutical Science graduate, and theres plenty of jobs out there especially for those majoring in Formulation Chemistry. But i felt it wasn't for me (as in industry based work), so i'm currently studying Pharmacy, but still intend on getting into med because its always what i...
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    I'm interested in hearing more about pharmacology

    Hey Lala2, VCP stands for the "Victorian College of Pharmacy". Most if not all people at our uni call it as VCP rather than Monash. Not exactly sure why but I can definitely tell you that VCP has been there for longer and has only recently in the past 10-20 years merged with Monash to teach...
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    I'm interested in hearing more about pharmacology

    Hey lala2, I'm at Monash (VCP) and currently in 2nd year. Yourself?
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    I'm interested in hearing more about pharmacology

    If you really like pharmacology, it doesn't mean you can't do pharmacy and become a pharmacologist. So i was told by my lecturers, that Pharmacy students are taught the highest level of pharmacology compared to those in a science course majoring in pharmacology. In the pharmacy course i'm...
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    Medentry 2day course - worthy?

    Thanks Pink668! Yeh i know with the discount its only an extra 100, but time is probably my main issue with uni and work on weekends. I wouldn't even mind paying an extra 100-300 if i thought the 2 day course would be highly worth it, but i've heard people say it isn't that useful thats all...
  7. S

    Medentry 2day course - worthy?

    I have been curious for quite some time about these UMAT courses, and have been reluctant in the past to doing them, but my desire to do med only ever burns that much more. And so i intend on trying out Medentry cos of the positive feedback from numerous sources. So my question is "Is the 2 day...