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  1. B

    Game Over

    obviously we are not concerned about our hsc exams cause if we were we would not be online discussing are current states of preparedness towards just another exam, so stop winging u fuck wits william c i love u man
  2. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    ahah quote of the day does ne 1 agree?
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    id say kvillie is better than hornsby is ur mum a lowie?
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    hey i never wanted to fight u hey when we doing that iq test?
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    nah uluru u fuck wit
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    as william said obvisuly u guys havent been in many fight most people hu come to a fight by themselves die
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    well u dont know cause u have to have freinds in the first place.
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    give it up mate i have freinds which u fail to have being a nerd thus not having freind means u will be the one in the hospital bed so go suck ur boyfreinds cock fag
  9. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    so an iq test is a test of how masculin u are? u dissapaiont me nerd
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    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

  11. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    i doubt someone who proposes we can travel the speed of light has ne more than 10 so u can talk go back to yr 7 science mate
  12. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    i highly doubt u could drive something just below the speed of light i do belive the ground speed record is in the region of 350mph which is a mear 100 times less that the speed of light idiot so in order to travel the speed at which u specify would i not need to be poileting the vehicle?
  13. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    oh we should pay per view its NERD VIRGIN VS WILLAIM
  14. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    mab u are not wanted u still try to become apart of the discussion i hate pieces of shit like u now bye bye unless u have something intellegent to add and yes ur a homosexual.
  15. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    i die? bit much aint it?
  16. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    come on well show u our real life toughness fag boy
  17. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    so cause i am not ur equal in economics means i am working class. :| ignorance much?
  18. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    virgin says wat?
  19. B

    Student Walkout - Sept 5th

    ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaa after sex i eat and have a piss i dont really talk much