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  1. G


    I know it is hard to generalise if a subject is easy or hard, because for some it may be easy, while for others hard, but I would just like to know from someone who has done these courses or knows about them to just tell me what to expect in terms of difficulty, and which one is the hardest...
  2. G

    UAI prediction pleaseeeeee

    Looks pretty dim I'm afraid joelskies, you're looking at around 60 UAI unless you pull your socks up, at best you could scrape 70. If you don't, just do the HSC again at TAFE or a similar institute, cheers.
  3. G

    UAI prediction

    Well, 85 is alright i suppose, thankyou for your input, anyone else? so I can get a pretty accurate estimate? Much appretiated.
  4. G

    UAI prediction

    Biology - 90% 2/25 Phyiscs - 83% 8/15 Mathematics - 72% 16/33 Advanced English - 60% 25/39 Modern History - 72% 16/39 Extension History - 70% 4/5 Thankyou.
  5. G


    I dont understand this? now correct me if I'm wrong, but the school you attend plays a major role in forming your UAI correct? I just find that so outrageous, people attending top of the state schools are automatically going to get a good UAI even if they screw around as an average or even low...
  6. G


    This is what I don't understand, if I study my ass off now, and come first in my school in the actual HSC exam, does that mean i steal whoever was first in my schools mark?...
  7. G


    Hey, Im just wondering if im completley and utterly screw for the HSC, my UAI aim is 80+ and my marks and ranks are as followed. English 46% - 34/42 Mathematics 60% - 22/37 Physics 70% - 9/15 Biology 96% - 1/24 History Extension 70% - 4/6 Modern History 75% - 13/45