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  1. W

    Performance Poetry?!

    ye4ah. It's about suicide. And it says things like: "Mother- it was not YOU Father- you could not stop it" etc. After I heard it I couldn't get the guys voice out of my head all day! SOOOOOO IRRITATING! SO.... some one help me out here? Does anyone know ANYTHING about performance poetry?!?!?!?
  2. W

    Performance Poetry?!

    yeah true. I know what you're saying. There is this really funny band 1-2 response, the poetry is ok... but the guy sounds like the biggest drama-queen. I don't want to be that melodramatic.... it obviously didn't do him any good! Has anyone actually done PERFORMANCE POETRY for their major work?!
  3. W

    Performance Poetry?!

    I was thinking of doing either poetry or performance poetry. But I don't know much.... ok, anything about performance poetry. Do many people do it? And if you have done it, can you tell me some of the 'tricks of the trade'? :D