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  1. M

    Advanced Sam

    yeah i found a version of the UAI calculator... theres like a einstein version... you just type it in google and yeah... its good actually.
  2. M

    Advanced Sam

    I'm just wondering, when i use advanced sam it uses 2005 subjects and results, have they been updated to 2007 as of yet? thanks.
  3. M


    i didn't know where to post this so i tried here. i was just wondering, for a religion assignment i'm doing the ancient religion of the Shintos. I need to mention in part of it the rituals and ceremonies which i have found difficult to find information on and also the way in which the shinto rel...
  4. M


    does anyone have any information concerning this dot point? describe the main features of the environment of an organism from one of the following groups and identify its role in that environment:- Archaea - Bacteria concerning archaea only? i can't find specifics thankyou for any help