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  1. T

    Band 6 cut off

    What do you reckon will be the band 6 cut off for music 1 - the theory paper at least?
  2. T

    Alternative Student Number for HSC?

    Uh, is it true that you use a different student number for your HSC than the one you've been using all year for trials etc? Because my friend said that our school said we do but I don't remember this...?
  3. T

    Time of HSC results release?

    Sorry if this question has already been asked, but I can't find it. What time will results be available on the net on the 17th December? Because I have work and I doubt I'd be able to stand waiting ALL DAY just to get home from work to find out, so I hope they're up before 8am! Thanks :)
  4. T

    Assessment marks on the net

    Apparently our assessment marks are going to be posted on the net (presumably so they can be disputed), does anyone know when?
  5. T

    Temporal Disorder--> Lyotard?

    Is the postmodern technique/theory/whatever of temporal disorder and the questioning of time and space all part of Lyotard's rejection of the grand narrative? Thanks all :)
  6. T

    Linking pomo techniques to theorists?

    Hey all, I get the postmodern techniques, and I understand what postmodern theorists and theories are on about (when I read them: don't ask me to tell you off the top of my head), but I just don't get how the techniques link to the theorists! I mean: what theories do you attribute...