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  1. i-c-lil-ppl

    best way to dump a guy?

    thank you ! thats some genuine advice there
  2. i-c-lil-ppl

    best way to dump a guy?

    by the way why would i want to try and fix the problems? im not a needy person and if i bend over backwards to fix things he is just gonna keep using me. i have already pointed out many times im not impressed with his lateness. and he still hasnt changed.
  3. i-c-lil-ppl

    best way to dump a guy?

    ye its me in the dp...does it matter? ok thanks for the advice all i needed to know !
  4. i-c-lil-ppl

    best way to dump a guy?

    ye well i was asking for the medium? face to face? call? txt? email? i dont know how much respect he deserves in it. and the wording? should i give him my reasons or just its over?
  5. i-c-lil-ppl

    best way to dump a guy?

    geez arent you polite he said he wants to stick around though and told his friends about me. well whatever it is called it still needs ending
  6. i-c-lil-ppl

    best way to dump a guy?

    so i have been seeing this guy for a month now and its clear this relationship isnt going anywhere good. 1. he always shows up at least 30 min late and expects me to forgive him straight away, or tries to make up for it with a kiss. I feel like im treated like rubbish. 2. He never tells me...
  7. i-c-lil-ppl

    Date suggestions?

    i really liked catching a ferry from circular quay to manly and then spending the day on the beach (= also a picnic in a quiet nature reserve with a creek.
  8. i-c-lil-ppl

    is it attractive?

    because it makes the hairs a greenish blonde and it doesnt hide it just makes it look worse, and the regrowth is disgusting
  9. i-c-lil-ppl

    is it attractive?

    no what is worse i think is when people bleach them !! :S
  10. i-c-lil-ppl

    is it attractive?

    this is a question us girls ask ourselves alot. Is it attractive or a turnoff for girls to have hairy arms? I don't know if its my cultural background (south american) but my family say its normal, natural and beautiful and would be the biggest idiot to remove them. Like your average girl i do...
  11. i-c-lil-ppl

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    lol shes talking to me nong faces...haha she knows me
  12. i-c-lil-ppl

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    haha i quite dont understand what that means...?? lol 3unitz is such a crack up!
  13. i-c-lil-ppl

    Cleopatra help?

    hoi! iv got a cleaopatra oral task comming up and i was wondering if i could email some of u ancient history whizzers my script and get some feedback?!? thank you :D!
  14. i-c-lil-ppl

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    awesome :D ill be desparate for some kind of female companionship from stepping straight out of a girls high school to a male dominated university course. is that you in the videos u have linked? hahah wat a funny kid one question: are you american or australian based? im confuzled
  15. i-c-lil-ppl

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    what is OP? ok i think i should start worrying now :D
  16. i-c-lil-ppl

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    ye he is. you can't tell though. he is really masculine looking and hates sissy gays LOL..but i don't get your little joke there...please explain :)
  17. i-c-lil-ppl

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    nice to know :D y are you telling me this? are you trying to recruit new people? jokz or are you trying to put me off UNSW? coz im seriously the least homophobic person you'll meet- believe it or not my dad is gay.
  18. i-c-lil-ppl

    confused kid: biomedical, chemical or matierials engineering?

    HAHA this is turning into quite the funny thread. quite some funny characters there at UNSW i guess i'll have to go next year ;) so 3unitz you've spotted my name ! whats yours? MYUNSW- is that online courses?madd :D
  19. i-c-lil-ppl

    the girl. advice now

    yeh and she is probablly conning 10 other guys like you. cyber dating...?? u never know whats on the other side or their real motives
  20. i-c-lil-ppl

    the girl. advice now

    Persistence is often the key for us girls. You have to demonstrate you are genuinely keen on her for the right reasons. make her feel special, mayb at work bring something nice to eat that you can share or let her try at ur lunch break, perhaps her favourite dish. Pursue her and you'll find your...