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  1. G

    what do i do now?

    i was just looking at her clubs website which then led to their social network site then hers.
  2. G

    what do i do now?

    well guys, i was with my friend a couple of weeks ago at the temple for chinese new year and i saw a girl doin dragon dancing. she caught my eye but being with my friend(female), i didn't want to do anything and i was too shy. anyway, i came across he social network profile, started talking to...
  3. G

    Grade Point Average

    Hey guys, I am studying Real Estate and Development at UQ. Its my second year, first year i did science coz i didnt know what i wanted to do. then last year first semester commerce then into real estate and i have found my home:p anyway, in first year, fresh from highschool, i didnt take uni too...