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Search results

  1. Silverwolf

    Checking if one value is divisable by another

    Everything else for my major is finished, except for this last little bit of one of my modules that I simply can't figure out :S. I need the module to check wether or not Num01 is divisable by Num02. I spent the last 2 school weeks fiddling around with various methods and nothing seemed to...
  2. Silverwolf

    need help with VB coding for major

    optDive stands for for Option Button / Division / Easy ie. if optDive = true then the questions asked are easy (dividing # 1-9 into # 1-99) whereas if optDivm = true then the questions asked are of medium difficulty (dealing with # 99-99). optDivh... well u get the picture :) the lines...
  3. Silverwolf

    need help with VB coding for major

    still not working, now it reckons I'm trying to divide by 0, (run-time error '11' - Division by zero) thanx for trying though :) ok, tryed this Private Sub cmdNext_Click() cmdNext.Caption = "&Next Question" If optDive = True Then lblNum1.Caption = Empty lblNum2.Caption =...
  4. Silverwolf

    need help with VB coding for major

    This is what I have; If optDive = True Then lblNum1.Caption = Empty lblNum2.Caption = Empty lblNum1.Caption = Int((100 - 1) * Rnd + 1) lblNum2.Caption = Int((10 - 1) * Rnd + 1) End If I need the program to check if Num1 / Num2 gives an answer that includes...
  5. Silverwolf

    How much fight do you still have in you?

    Yeh I reckon, so over school, can't wait till i'm done. To much time learnin crap i don't need to know
  6. Silverwolf

    Piercings and Tattoos

    meh, only if u let ur body get that way, somethin i hav no intention of doin anytime soon
  7. Silverwolf

    Piercings and Tattoos

    lol, tattoos rule, gettin three soon as i can after i move outta home, one on each shoulder, and one on my back