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  1. J

    getting a scholarship

    yer i know, that's why I was hoping for the three extra points. I want to do a bachelor of science so does that improve the situation or it doesnt matter what you do?
  2. J

    getting a scholarship

    I finished high school last year and deferred. my uai was 93.05
  3. J

    getting a scholarship

    When applying for a scholarship, does UW take into account the three extra UAi points given to the high schools from the regional area? thanks
  4. J

    opportunity program B Eng

    i am confident with 2Umaths and i know i'd put the work in at uni. Nice to know i'm not totally screwed. I just wanted to know what peoples impression of the opportunity program is like. It seems ideal for people like me and i just wanted to know what it involved and if it was a good program.
  5. J

    BEng (Mining)

    i never thought it would be easy for me. the maths is going to be very complicated and i'd have to work my hardest to get by on a pass or maybe a credit if i'm lucky. thanks for the tip on memorising math papers, if it works for you i'll definitely give it a go.
  6. J

    BEng (Mining)

    I am doing well in math and feel confident with it all. But i guess i wouldn't be alone if most of the people you know got by with 2unit maths plus bridging course and are doing 'very easily'. Do you know if anyone in engineering does the MATH1011 General Maths as a preparatory course before...
  7. J

    opportunity program B Eng

    hey that sounds alright then. i thought i would be certain to fail if i did that but i guess not. i'd probably still take the opp program and bridgeing courses. what's your impression of the mining engineering degree by the way? are there many students doing it?
  8. J

    opportunity program B Eng

    Hey i was just wondering if anyone is doing the opportunity program with BEng (mining) or any other engineering major. I'm in yr 12 and am confident of getting above 80, however i didn't do Math Ex1 or Physics or chem. I am doing Math 2 unit. Just wondering how people in my situation went in...
  9. J

    BEng (Mining)

    Hey i'm in year 12 and would really like to do a BEng Mining at UNSW. I've heard it's the top engineering school and looks like a nice uni too. Trouble is i didn't do EX 1 maths, physics or chem. I did do Math 2 unit. If i did get in, would i go horribly compared to everyone else (come last)...