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  1. P

    quick question

    If say i'm doing Arts at Caulfield (Caulfield has a very limited list of subjects i can select) and if i want to do a subject that is offered at Clayton campus, can do that?
  2. P

    uni rankings

    so your placing la trobe ahead deakin followed by rmit?
  3. P

    uni rankings

    hey, could someone please rank for me the best universities in melb in commerce/accounting/economics disciplines(all the same discipline)? i know melb uni is no. one, and monash is prob second, but what's next? la trobe? rmit? deakin? vic uni? other? thanks in advance
  4. P

    courses question

    at monash, theres arts/commerce double degree... and then theres 'Languages' (the name of it on the vtac guide), which i discovered to be the same thing apparantly as, and aka, 'Arts languages'. so then does that mean the arts/commerce double degree doesn't include lote in its arts section...