Search results

  1. SHLaK

    Easiest 200 Level (or above) People Unit?

    Thank you very much for your time, Proteus. I'm not too familiar with music, but it does look interesting. However, it is only available in Semester 1 and I was hoping to complete my Planet Set this semester. For the moment, I have enrolled in FBE204 - Learning and Teaching in Business. Most of...
  2. SHLaK

    Easiest 200 Level (or above) People Unit?

    I am doing BCom - Professional Accounting and need to fit in one last 200 level or above unit, and my People Set is where I will need to do that. So, could anyone please advise me on which 200 level or above people unit is likely to be the easiest? Or even if you are able to provide comments on...
  3. SHLaK

    Mac Uni now 98% smoke-free

    As of 1 January 2011 Macquarie Uni has restricted smoking to ten designated smoking areas throughout the North Ryde campus. I haven't heard many people comment on the policy change thus far, so I'm just curious, what do you think about this? I'm happy to hear from smokers and non-smokers alike...
  4. SHLaK

    Taking a Japanese language unit?

    Oh, don't be sorry. I certainly didn't mean it in any kind of sarcastic way. I was just saying thanks for your reply. Next time I'll phrase my thanks so it won't be taken that way. Haha :) You were very helpful as I completely overlooked the times offered and I'm happy enough just to do a...
  5. SHLaK

    Taking a Japanese language unit?

    Gah, I should've seen that in the handbook. I guess I'll just take a lanuage unit next year. Thanks a lot, Peartie.
  6. SHLaK

    Taking a Japanese language unit?

    Hi, I'm currently a first year student at Mac and have to choose at least one elective unit next semester. I'd really like to take a Japanese language unit, but just have a few questions before I make any decisions. Firstly, my main concern is whether or not I'd be able to get a good grasp on...
  7. SHLaK

    MICHAEL LEUNIG no titleess ahhhh! help! urgent!

    Not sure if Michael Leunig's cartoons officially have titles. :/ You could always use the text in the cartoon as their titles. Anyway, I can help by telling you that the first image was printed in The Sydney Morning Herald on Thursday, 18 July 2002.
  8. SHLaK

    EXCEL Fast Track HSC 2U Maths Answers

    Recently, I picked up EXCEL's "HSC 2 Unit Maths: The 50 Tricks You Need to Know" by Jeff Geha from a second hand book store. The only problem is that the solutions to the mock exam have been removed. :( Could someone please scan/post the solutions? As the mock exam is quite good, but pretty...