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Search results

  1. M

    How to achieve an UAI of 80 and how to remember alot of info so close to the HSC date

    the subjects i am doing are food tech, ancient history, general math, biology and advance english wat scores do i need to get in these subjects to get a UAI of 80 also how do u remember alot of information so i can get a decent UAI see thos of u who are doing HSC this year would know tow days...
  2. M

    Notes on Attack on the Ad-man and Mr Deeds

    if any one has notes for the texts about Mr Deeds and attack on the ad man it would be much appreciated
  3. M

    Need help...too many notes

    i have started doing notes for pomeii and herculanium except i dont have time to summarise everything i have learnt about this subject there is just way to much to go through so does any body have some notes on this subject it would really help me out thanks
  4. M

    Imporve Marks...Desperate!!

    i am not coming 1st i am coming the middle of my yr around bout for my subjects for all of them i go to woolooware high
  5. M

    Imporve Marks...Desperate!!

    ohh yea lol i didnt see that i dont no how to change it
  6. M

    Imporve Marks...Desperate!!

    i did the HSC caluclator for 2007 so it is the wrong year but the point is though i am not getting very good marks my marks are average they range between 60-70 i need help to bring my marks up
  7. M

    Imporve Marks...Desperate!!

    I do Ancient History, General math, Advanced English, Biology and Food tech
  8. M

    Imporve Marks...Desperate!!

    I have just recieved my half yearly marks back and i have just passed all my tests my marks are horrible. I entered them onto an online HSC UAI calculator and my UAI came up as 38.5. OMG how can i make sure i can get a decent UAI so late into the year. How can i imporve my marks to get decent...
  9. M

    Intense Human relationships in King Lear...Help!!

    hi i have been givin an essay question and my english teacher isn't very good. The question is: It is the representation of intense human relationships that captivates audiences. Explore representation of atleast 1 intense human realationship in Kig Lear evaluating the significants in the play...
  10. M

    King Lear Essay...Plz need help!!

    hi i have been givin an essay question and my english teacher isn't very good. The question is: It is the representation of intense human relationships that captivates audiences. Explore representation of atleast 1 intense human realationship in Kig Lear evaluating the significants in the play...
  11. M

    sliding doors: anyone doing IJ about this?

    hi i was wondering if any one could help me i am doing change and i am doing sliding doors as one of my texts about change and i was wondering how change is shown in the text other than the obviouse of her missing and catching the train and how that changes her lifes outcomes also what kind of...