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Search results

  1. N

    Did people at your school take this exam seriously?

    its compulsory at my school and they only offer 1 unit. so id say out of 60 kids about max 10 took it seriously. im ranked 4 and i still didnt take it that seriously...hate to think what the 60th person did haha
  2. N

    That exam sucked

    wooohooo i was having second thoughts cause no one i spoke to did it like that. it was a pretty bad exam like just really frustrating in that i cudnt get 10 b but know how to do it i know my answers are wrong for it but hopefully i can still get some marks other than that it was alright cept i...
  3. N

    helppp crime fiction

    well my ext english exam is this friday and currently i have done zero study. eeek. i was just wondering is anyone has any useful info...like analysed material on the big sleep and the real inspector hound...also my two supplementary texts are dexter and rendition...i have others but ill...
  4. N

    Physical Journey Definition

    You guys saved me, i have a massive speech on this and i need to encorporate it in2 my stimulus away" by michael Gow. brilliant people! cheers