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  1. H

    byron bay schoolies 2008

    YAYAYAYAYA we are going from the 29th til the 6th....but only four out of 8 are going to be 18 =C.....i'll be 18 lol is there anything for the underages to do do u get in trouble for drinking on the beach who else is going is from sydney
  2. H

    The Woolworths Thread

    hey hey all i work at warringah mall woolworths as a check out operator............neally all my supervisiors are really of therm even drove me home after work prob cause it was midnight but still and my breaks are always longer thn they are suppose 2 be..i only ever get called...
  3. H

    Thesis statements/Notes on Skrzynecki and others

    THANKS heaps, they were really helpful :D
  4. H

    am i screwed??? help

    i do standard English, general maths, modern history, legal studies, drama and tourism through a tvet course im in year 11 now and im not dropping anything will i get a uai of high 80's because i want to be a primary school teacher and last year the uai was 86.5 i think im screwed. i do...