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  1. J

    Top Down Design

    Thanks, This thread is a bit old...but thanks anyway
  2. J

    Top Down Design

    Hey Guys, I'm having quite a bit of touble with top-down-design. Its for a project. We had to followed the structured approach and create an alarm clock in Visual Basic. I've done the Definition, Planning, Implementation and the psuedocode for the Design phase but we also have to do a...
  3. J

    Tutor SDD

    Hey, Thanks that would be great if you could message it to me through this website(bored of studies) Thanks alot, Jem.
  4. J

    Tutor SDD

    Am i doing something wrong or why isn't anyone replying.... This is rather urgent and any help would be appreciated.
  5. J

    Tutor SDD

    Hey guys, I recently posted a thread but no-one seemed to reply. SO I decided to post a new one in the hopes of getting a response. Does anyone tutor SDD or know someone that tutors SDD? I live in Strathfield and am currently in Year 10 Thanks
  6. J

    SDD Tutoring

    Sorry forgot to mention. I live in Strathfield. Thanks...again.
  7. J

    SDD Tutoring

    Hey guys, I am currently in Year 10, nearly finished,and I need a tutor for SDD. Thanks, Jeremy.