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  1. se961344

    related texts

    i am so confused what to choose as a related text ... for advanced english. we did imagined corners by ken watson and i chose to relate to of eurydice - ivan lalic fax X - gweneth lewis anyone know a related text ? something deep and relates to an Existentialist struggle lmaoo dont know i...
  2. se961344

    Help, im pregnant and 15.

    well catholics ay... well dearest you shouldnt be out and about getting blinded with 23 year old males ... big mistake u should tell ur rents n stop - abortion isnt the answer thers other ways around
  3. se961344

    I'm interested in a 16 year old

    LMAO! THATS SOO WRONG ... u 2 are a at total diffrent maturity levels .. shes 16 .. u should be out clubbing gee if she was 17 n u were 19 that kool but not 16 (which she probly just turned.. a year 10 girl ) n 21 thats a bit too much its like dating a little girl owwell ur choice but good...
  4. se961344

    I.R.P. Home

    mynes due next year i think week 5 back into the term my plans due in 2 weeks soo yeah my topic is ''negative peer pressures in todays society , is creating an incline in the levels of illicit drug use with australian adolectents '' what can i use to support it ?
  5. se961344

    What you think of Girls in Girls schools???

    dont get me started ... girls in girls school are the most boy crazy things on earth well thats my perspective its really funny because i see them sense boys from a mile ( only just a large majority of the girls do this ) . i go to a co - ed school from k - 12 n i personally think its the best...
  6. se961344

    7 Words Women Use & Their Meanings.

    thats funni i have to admit its sorta true :rofl:
  7. se961344

    General Thoughts - Geography

    by any chance u have the papers im sitting geo next year in the hsc