Search results

  1. nmbookworm

    English EXT2 Help

    ok dude the info in the syllabus basically lays out what criteria your supposed to follow depending on the medium you choose. So before you do anything else, decide on what kinda thing you'd like to present. A short story? A speech? A short film, etc. If one of these is your strength then go...
  2. nmbookworm

    Oh My ****ing GOD. I = Worlds Biggest Idiot

    Ok here is an update Got the 'D', went next day, told them I had some flu symptoms, no worries. All resolved, no penalties. Advice: ALWAYS CHECK THE GOD DAMN ASSESSMENT SHEET EVEN IF YOUR POSITIVE YOU REMEMBER WHEN THE DATE IS. and lol as soon as i told the doctor i need a certificate...
  3. nmbookworm

    Oh My ****ing GOD. I = Worlds Biggest Idiot

    Curse this day. I have a bad habit. You see for all my school life i've left things till the last minute and somehow managed to get top marks. Perhaps I work well under pressure, who knows, who cares. Either way, the Viva Voce was was due today (Tuesday 5/5/09), or so I thought. So instead...
  4. nmbookworm

    Doing a Speech, 2009.

    Hey Guff cheers for the input. Im considering only adding in very minimal sounds effects, may be a massive raw of applause or two for Hannibal as he comes and then concludes? And also having some effective battle music in the background, lots of deep drums, very subtle adrenaline creating noises...
  5. nmbookworm

    Doing a Speech, 2009.

    Thank you Thank you that's a very constructive reply! I think we kinda have the same views coz I was using those ideas already. I put my speech into 9 parts (18 minutes speaking, 2 minutes per part and 2 minutes for intergrated sound effects) These are the segments: 1. Introduction highlights...
  6. nmbookworm

    Doing a Speech, 2009.

    Hey guys nice to see some fellow 09' Speechgivers. Just looking for a little feedback in regard to concepts. My speech is going to be entertaining and educational and out there, i hope. My idea was to deliver a speech that Hannibal (no, not Anthony Hopkins, I mean the General with the elephants)...
  7. nmbookworm

    Xmas Chillout Mission

    Ok get this. Five friends and I are just starting year 12, we're all 16 and 17 and we wanna have a holiday this Christmas. We were thinking of renting out a place on the Central Coast for 3 nights just to chill out and go swimming etc. However, I've rung one or two places so far and they've both...
  8. nmbookworm

    How many students?

    Wow it must be awesome actually having a teacher. I do the course by myself through distance educations, get sent my work every week in the mail. I was the only student willing to tackle the course, it's a very interesting course so far though so I'm hoping that I'll keep going with it. Im doing...
  9. nmbookworm

    Topics for '09

    Richard the Lionheart! Was he worthy of his title?
  10. nmbookworm

    Changing Course Profile

    omg yes, i added a bunch of subjects like a year ago but now they've changed and i have no idea how to edit them. where is the course selection part?? and yes im premium. its one of the main reasons i became premium.. thanks
  11. nmbookworm

    Official BOS 2007 Project Showcase

    Yeah this is crazy post guys. Loved to see the standard of work being produced before I start the subject itself next term. Good job guys! sorry if the reply is about 3 years older than the topic :P
  12. nmbookworm

    Is History ext hard?

    Good to hear soem encouragement on doing the subject. My history teacher offered it to about 5 people and Im the only one whose going to do it :( It is a bit daunting, last year at my school 7 people started it and now only 2 of those 7 are doing it
  13. nmbookworm

    Q for the Business Studies Pimps

    Hmm would output controls just be the monitoring of the activity going out of the business? So, controlling and observing the status of the product your selling. Methinks tis the answer
  14. nmbookworm

    Area Of Study 2009-2012: 'belonging'

    ugh, joy for ah well. it'll be up to us 09'ers to come up with all the notes etc for the future 'Belonging' studiers. At the moment in year 11 i believe that every high school is studying a different prelim lead up to belonging, at my school its tribalism, not as primitive as it sounds...
  15. nmbookworm


    yeah im doing it this year as well, representing Northmead Highschool boys team ;) i think we're gonna be Ireland.
  16. nmbookworm

    2008 Preliminary Roll Call

    Re: Prelim Subjects '08 Woo found a section suited to me :D Hey all, my lucky subjects arrrre: Ancient History Engineering Studies Business Studies Legal Studies General Math English Advanced English Extension
  17. nmbookworm

    Want to study ahead in Maths General Preliminary

    This is going to sound drastic but have you ever considered working for McDonalds? I'm currently employed there and one benefit is unlimited access to an online mathematics tutor with audio and animated tutorials which are AWESOME. There hasn't been one time where I didnt understand the lesson...
  18. nmbookworm

    Handy Hints for the School Certificate

    I should of read through these when i was studying for the SC. Ah well, I still did pretty good ;) These can probably be applied to any test within reason.
  19. nmbookworm

    The Official "I GOT THE JOB!!!:D:D" Thread

    Well, first i got a job at my local Dominoes. Horrible. They gave me 2 hour shifts and i got paid very low. Worked there for 6 months before i woke up to myself. Now working at McDonalds. Alot better pay and longer hours, the people are great as well. And its great for your resume I've heard...
  20. nmbookworm

    School Certificate Over!!!

    woooooooooo its over :D freedom! some friends and i want to burn our books that we'll never need again. a bit extreme but goes to show how much we despise learning ;) btw, this my first post on this awesome site :P