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  1. *Phepheee*

    Equlity and Difference

    Just wondering if anyone has any study notes on this topic for Society and Culture and is anyone doing the focus study on Afgani women or something?
  2. *Phepheee*

    Journey of the Magi - T.S. Eliot

    hey, i chose to do the Journey of the Magi and i understand that it is the story of T.S Eliot's conversion to christianity and that biblical allusions/imagery is used throughout it, but could anyone help me annotate it??? thank you so much for any help. "A cold coming we had of it...
  3. *Phepheee*

    help with leunig cartoon please!!!

    i'm doing that image too, could someone please help tell me what techniqes are used in it and how to relate it to this question : "What is the imaginative journey represented in the text and how do language forms, features and structures shape meaning and influence response?" thank u so...