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    Blind Pakistani boy killed by teacher for not learning Koran

    once again read the quran! the treatment of women in islam is actuali quite respectful n like i said b4 jus bcoz they do or say something for islam doesnt make it true.. its far from it, n jus bcoz there law is to kill those who leave the religion does not mean that every1 who turns away from...
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    Blind Pakistani boy killed by teacher for not learning Koran the quran..then come n talk to me honestly thats like saying all jews are bad because of the state of israel! n uno what i no jews n muslims rnt spose to get along but whatever iv got nothing against them. ever wonder y there isnt peace in the middle east?! its not because of islam its...
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    Blind Pakistani boy killed by teacher for not learning Koran

    so you i see are as ignorant as the other person..if u new anything about anythin ud no what u jus said is a false statment, and im correcting it.. islam is peaceful..the sooner people like u learn this fact the sooner this world can hav a higher level of peace in it.. seriously what do you gain...
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    Blind Pakistani boy killed by teacher for not learning Koran

    and what exactly would you, and do you no about islam? from what u just said obviously nothing, do not sit there and judge a religion purely based on the actions of this man, and also by what the media is telling you to believe, what happen to that poor boy is completely unforgivable and the man...
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    Blind Pakistani boy killed by teacher for not learning Koran

    omgg!! finally someone else who can effin see the world for what it is n not what people want u to think it is!! i hate all racist people who judge and make opinions without actually looking at the big picture! samo4u man i take ma hat off to u!
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    What makes a guy/girl UNattractive?

    hmm guys.. id have to say those people who think there better then everyone.. srsly get off ur high-horse....wat makes u so effing awsome uneven looking body proportion wise and same goes with the sum1 wiv real small eyes and a huge nose..its kinda odd.. dumb people...
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    Emma And Clueless

    hey just wondering if anyone had any useful info i could use for my emma/clueless assessment.. i hav to do a speechand compare characters and texts.. anything useful would b greatly appreciated. xx