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Search results

  1. A

    What topic did everyone do for their major Project?

    My younger sister, in yr 8, did medieval history as one of those 'filler' courses you do in history before you start 'Civics & citizenship' the next year. Our case study is the crusades, a BOS approved course, but because its a study of how history was written and made its not terribly...
  2. A

    Crunch time.

    this is our class-----> BUGGERED. oh, minus a few, like the girls doing design + production. I'm doing scriptwriting and i can tell you the next week and a half is going to be an all out write-a-thon. crunch time indeed! I can't believe how late schools around here are doing their trials, in...
  3. A

    Handed in Project

    congratulations on the mark, what was the topic? Mine is due tomorrow and I'm completely and totally screwed, I have a blank page, a quote and a half written log book. I'm kind of annoyed at the teachers of those who have been given the holidays to do it, it seems unfair on people like the girls...