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  1. CarinaT

    Catholic Trial

    lol Ok then! I did the Music 1 paper so...lucky for me eh?
  2. CarinaT

    CSSA Trial 2004

    How many pages did you all write for each of the essays? That's like 4 in total.
  3. CarinaT

    Catholic Trial

    Which is the George Crumb pieve that everyone is hating on? :confused: ;)
  4. CarinaT

    Motion Picture Original Scores!

    I bought the E.T soundtrack thinking that the Flying Theme was in it...but it was only the background music of the movie. Oh well. :) I'll try and find the CD you mentioned.
  5. CarinaT

    CSSA Trial - thoughts/comments

    How many pages did you all write for your 2 essays? I don't think I did very well overall.:(
  6. CarinaT

    Motion Picture Original Scores!

    I love the music in E.T- The Extra-Terrestrial. John Williams is a genius! :p I especially love the Flying Theme.
  7. CarinaT

    Catholic Trial

    Which was the George Crumb piece? I like the Witches one and the last one 'Smoke Gets in Your Eyes'. :) Though I don't do very well, I have to say that these music tests are enjoyable...just because of the interesting music. ;)
  8. CarinaT

    HSC performance pieces

    In my opinion, jazz music rules. :) It's fun to play and to listen whether slow or fast. Slow jazz is beautiful and fast jazz is impressive. :p I have to do my Trial performance tomorrow..wish me luck!:(
  9. CarinaT

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    Bohemian Rhapsody is so funny yet amazing. There are so many different songs in that one song if you know what I mean. Who likes 'I'm Not in Love' by 10cc?
  10. CarinaT

    Songs you'd rather not admit you like...

    I love 70s and 80s music too. :) I had this experience where I said that I like classical music. Someone just gave me a weird look. Same thing happened when I said I watch Sesame Street. ;)
  11. CarinaT

    play school and parents

    I don't understand all the mess that people have made. In my opinion, Play School did nothing wrong. It showed happy a kid with parents, gay nor not. The family was happy and I think that's all that matters.
  12. CarinaT

    Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban

    Kochie(sp?) is the Sunrise guy. He said the director was too "arty farty" and he ruined the movie. Well, he's certainly in the minority, judging on everyone's opinions.
  13. CarinaT

    Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban

    The books are heaps better. :)
  14. CarinaT

    Michael Jackson the Artist

    "But I doubt they're holding an investigation into him only sleeping in the same bed with someone. What a waste of government resources and taxes." It IS a waste and a huge one. On the other hand, the media is certainly profiting from it. Alot of people hate Michael Jackson because he looks...
  15. CarinaT

    Michael Jackson the Artist

    Don't be so defensive. Other accusations? People are making such a big deal about sleeping in the same bed because of the 1993 case and the fact that it is Michael Jackson. Everything he does is a big deal to the media. Haven't you noticed?
  16. CarinaT

    Michael Jackson the Artist

    Having fun in this little debate? lol :) What other accusations are there?
  17. CarinaT

    Michael Jackson the Artist

    Well, if anyone is proven guilty of child molestation then of course he/she deserve to be locked away. When you hear or see the world "sleeping" you think of the dirty side of the word. Many people sleep in the same room or bed with friends or little cousins etc. They should get locked...
  18. CarinaT

    Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban

    The shooting of GoF has already started? Wow...they don't waste time do they? :) I don't know who'll play Umbridge. All I know is that I hated Umbridge's guts so bad in the book. Arrgh. I'm sure Hermione and Ron will eventually get together. Not Harry and Hermione. ;)
  19. CarinaT

    Michael Jackson the Artist

    His talent has always been there and it still is. The question is, "Is the world prepared and open-minded enough to LISTEN to him?" That's the real issue to me.
  20. CarinaT

    Harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban

    Yea, the scene where they fly off and give Umbridge hell. My favourite. ;)