Search results

  1. H

    Overloading if you failed!?

    What r the chances that they will let ya overload even thought u r repeating a subject that you r repeating coz u failed!??
  2. H

    Foundation Day Party

    Is the Outdoor Party on FOundation Day any gud!??
  3. H

    discrete maths

    not that i know of
  4. H

    discrete maths

    anyone here fail Discrete Maths 1081!??
  5. H

    Do YOU have an ipod?

    iPOD's are soundin less n less reliable to me
  6. H

    Do YOU have an ipod?

    what if you use it 3 hrs evryday!?
  7. H

    Do YOU have an ipod?

    how many yrs will an iPOD last before the battery stuffs up!??
  8. H

    iPOD storage??

    is there an Apple store on UNSW Kensington Campus???
  9. H

    iPOD storage??

    I was thinkin of gettin a USB stick but I really want a MP3 player, n i didnt realise the iPOD cud act as an external hardrive. So yeh . . . my dream has become a reality
  10. H

    iPOD storage??

    that means i can load files from Uni onto it n listen to MP3's on the bus!!! . . . .I think im gonna cry
  11. H

    iPOD storage??

    so you could store a installation package for a program on it n then transfer it to PC??
  12. H

    iPOD storage??

    can iPOD's store any kind of file??? as well as programs!???
  13. H

    change from double to single degree

    im first yr Computer Engineering/ Science but I wanna jus do Computer Engineering how do I drop the science degree!??
  14. H

    IT Industry??

    yeop that is what im lookin for. I dunno why but I cant find any websites with articles or news about the IT industry. I wanna keep tabs on whats happenin n stuff ya kno. Anyone know any links!??
  15. H

    IT Industry??

    does any1 know how the IT industry is gonna look 5 yrs from now!??? any links or anythin to websites that publish news of IT-related issues!???
  16. H


    that explains it now. Everythin is so packed on my timetable, how am i meant to enjoy Uni!??
  17. H


    my friends are tellin me they get 2 days off!!! why can't I get days off!??? :vcross:
  18. H


    I haven't started Uni LOL!!! I'm first year, so I dunno wat im gettin myself into yet.
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    yeh same!!! now im tryin to rework my timetable so i can have a break btween all those classes.
  20. H


    cool, thanx for the advice!!