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  1. B

    Global Notes -Exchange

    Could you pls send me some notes as well?
  2. B

    Can anyone help me with business?

    Thanx, i'll have a look at those! ;)
  3. B

    Industrial conflict

    You could even do the Patrick Stevedoring Company. That was a big industrial conflict and you should find heaps of info on it. ;) I have to do an industrial conflict as well but we're not allowed to do that one!!
  4. B

    Industrial conflict

    You could even do the Patrick Stevedoring Company. That was a big industrial conflict and you should find heaps of info on it. ;) I have to do an industrial conflict as well but we're not allowed to do that one!!
  5. B

    Can anyone help me with business?

    Can anyone help me with business. I'm in yr 12 and i've got business orals comming up in 2 weeks. I need to find a business that has had an industrial dipute recently or in the past couple of yrs. Can any 1 help me?