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  1. P

    favourite song at the moment.

    RiCe_GrOwEr - Got it mate, i know, its awsome. :guitar:
  2. P

    Favourite Movies.

    Ay yo ok best movies The professional, lord of the rings 1 and 2 (cant wait for the 3rd),finding forester howeva u spell it and ...i suppose the matrix wasnt bad then again almost every1 likes that movie. oh yeah and Chicago ...mad movie with the singing and the dancing...yeah...ok bye
  3. P

    favourite song at the moment.

    Engel by Rammstein. have u heard of them? if not their german AND THEY ROCK!!!
  4. P

    Which sketch show is better: Comedy Inc or skithouse?

    Comedy inc all the way baby. Its bigger and better than all the rest. Beats skithouse into the ground, but the classic totally full frontal is still hard to top. :chainsaw: man... that guys just crazy. cool chainsaw