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  1. M

    Good Luck MH Class of '04!!!

    i dont see why ppl say WW1 is easy.. its like 4 years of history in one term... so thats pretty detailed. unlike the other topics which are like 50 years with and less detail... so i think the less detail the easier.. but thats just me anyways good luck everyone oh btw how long do we spend...
  2. M

    What do u think u got?

    i think easy test = hard marking and that was an easy test so i think maybe 80's 70's
  3. M

    Anyone Else Leave Early?

    hey i think the subject scales well... thats what i heard. i heard everyone thinks its a bloody hard subject and only geekoids do it so it scales well.... but this paper was a bit easy so i'm not sure... it doesnt allow for the top students to stand out too much... which may be a good...
  4. M

    Multiple Choice

    well shish i got some wrong:S but i must say that q9 is a... without a doubt... read the protocol question 6 is a.... the PROGRAMMER would need the datadictionary... the USER would want the user manual.... its multiple choice, its surposed to trick you and q17. i got d at first but then...
  5. M

    will the exam be hard this year??

    dude u left out the THEN part of it.... thats not a good start anyways i got a feeling if the eng paper 2 was hard and the 3u maths was hard then this paper would be just as hard :\ days of easy papers are over... welcome to the bitch world good luck for everyone tomorrow!
  6. M

    The 2004 HSC - Mathematics Extension 1 Paper

    man what the hell is wrong with you losers that test was the hardest in like the last 10 years and if you fools are complaining about "omg i sux so much i only got 87/84 omg i'm gonna die" well then f you.... your just being gay and and no one cares for you but for the cool ppl who fail...
  7. M

    going down there...

    well talking about the structure of seeman heres a fact: seeman and snot have only one molecule different in their structure. and here's a joke whats common between your mum and a whale.... besides the weight...? they both swollow seeman ;) :D
  8. M

    going down there...

    yes well and true you talk about kissing after having oral but there are still some things i would like to know about it... and they do not include anal.....sorry... ok 1. who do you learn from on how to perform good oral... on a girl that is... , in other words - how do you do it...