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Search results

  1. VP17

    Commerce: UNSW or Sydney?

    Why are u guys so racist? I hate reading about these asian v white or any form of racism. I'm not going to state what ethnicity I am because I know I am Australian. Now pull ur fingers outta where the sun don't shine and bloody realise that we live in a great country and there's no need for...
  2. VP17

    The World of Pick-Up Line

    Do you like leaves? Do you like trees? How about a root? XD
  3. VP17

    Commerce: UNSW or Sydney?

    I went to Macq and I'm now at UNSW. I found macq although is easy to get into, it's hard to get out of. The standard is higher at Macq than at UNSW. In saying that, I have enjoyed my time more at UNSW cos I enjoy the people more. The facilities at both UNSW and Macq are about the same...
  4. VP17

    Post your HSC Marks + UAI for SAM 04 results

    English advanced - 78 Chemistry - 85 Economics - 87 Physics - 92 Maths - 95 Ext 1 Maths - 48 Studies of Religion 1 - 35 SAM uai - 96.45 2004 uai - 94.80 I did better in 3u than in 2u o.O
  5. VP17

    Top 200 Schools 2004

    Boo ya. We got ranked for the first time. lol 131, not bad. Best class Pats has produced. Pats class of '04