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  1. F

    What ISP you on ?

    might have to keep an eye on that, if i d/l a divx movie it might put me over by a long way
  2. F

    What ISP you on ?

    i got optusnet netstats with the unlimited d/ls as well. gotta love the 700mb movie files d/led every couple of days, the things is my contract should have run out a week ago, but i havent herd n e thing from optus so until then ill think ill keep quite an keep abusing it till they say something
  3. F

    Ethical Issues from the Use of the Internet

    hey, as part of our major assignment we have to do a few small essays and one of these is "discuss the ethical issues that have arisen from the use of the internet, including the availability of material normally restricted" and i was wondering if any1 would be able to give me some ideas on...
  4. F

    Learnt Anything?

    nope, same as you, in a year and a half we have basically spent each lesson surfin the net andvisiting to kill the time