Search results

  1. Prometheus


    Thanks Tommy Lamp, that's about what I'm looking for, but I guess I'll need to put in a little extra elbow grease to make sure.
  2. Prometheus


    The above are the raw marks, by the way.. The results have since been scaled, which meant that some of them came out a little higher.
  3. Prometheus


    Gee, that's comforting... I don't suppose it matters a great deal when I've got a clean sweep of first-places..?
  4. Prometheus


    Albion Park High (I don't think it's very highly ranked :P)
  5. Prometheus


    I was looking for a UAI estimate, if it's not too much trouble.. Here's my trial results: Advanced English 94% Mathematics 79% Chemistry 93% Biology 89% Ancient History 95% And I've got first place in my school for all of these subjects. Thanks in Advance, Trent.
  6. Prometheus


    From this stance, I think you could argue a lot of disciplines are pretentious. At the same time, I don't think all philosophers have wanted to prove themselves right to others (only to find what is right for themselves) nor do they all want to find "meaning in life" in the traditional way that...
  7. Prometheus


    Presently reading "The Gay Science" (Nothing to do with homosexuality, I should add) by Friedrich Nietzsche. I can hardly begin to summarise the whys and hows that make this book, and the author so awesome, and significant to the modern reader. Nietzsche confronts the issues that others would...