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  1. SteveUrkel

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    Important News About Nigel Flynn! News Just IN! I'm gonna give you guys the 'Hot Tip' on Nigel. My Ex-Girlfriend (who is now Nigel's Ex-girlfriend) told me that "Big Nige", or what ever his nick name is, just asked "THE DUDE"'s mum to the formal. This only confirms that Nigel is a...
  2. SteveUrkel

    Who Is Nigel Flynn

    Hey I know Nigel Flynn aswell! Yer I Met him. And I hate him. He hit on my girlfriend, and then she left in his BMW with him! I couldn't beleive it! Nigel Flynn STOLE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! I don't know who i'm more angry at, Nigel or that Slut! Oh I hope he dies soon. I'm soooo...