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  1. prima_donna

    say no to...

    those are my fashion do's (except for the mullets). i don't get why people have a problem with wearing hats and sunnies inside or wearing a scarf and a skirt. i wear them coz i think they look fashionable, not for their practicality. i also love the cami- over-a-t-shirt look. they're in now. :)...
  2. prima_donna

    Backstreet Boys (merged)

    Ooh...could this be a revival of the whole teenybopper phenomenon? I hope so. :uhhuh: *runs and hides*
  3. prima_donna

    Backstreet Boys (merged)

    Aah...good times.
  4. prima_donna

    Backstreet Boys (merged)

    Remember the 'NSYNC debate and the Backstreet Boys debate in the late 90's, early 00's? I was always rooting for the Backstreet Boys. My favourite is probably Brian - funny & nice, soulful voice. The only thing 'NSYNC had going for them was Justin and he is so much better as a solo artist now...
  5. prima_donna

    Backstreet Boys (merged)

    So what? They just happen to be boys (although now men) in a band. I'm looking forward to their new stuff, haven't heard from them in yonks.
  6. prima_donna


    Exactly. You should expand your musical horizons. If you don't, then it's your loss. :cool:
  7. prima_donna

    Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

    Movie directors do it all the time for obvious reasons. Rachel McAdams was 27 when she played a 16 year old on Mean Girls. I don't think an actual 16 year old would've pulled off the part very well unless they were very mature for their age.
  8. prima_donna


    Download the song "I wanna know". It's one of his best. He also sang on the Mariah Carey track "Thank God I found you". Edit: "No one else comes close" is also a goodie.
  9. prima_donna

    UNI's Starting And I Don't Want To Go

    There's nothing to be scared of. Last year I was so excited for uni that I packed my lunch the night before and even picked out my outfit. It didn't really live up to the my expectations though because everyone is so mature there and you can't muck around and be a kid. I thought it would be just...
  10. prima_donna

    the OC

    If The OC was returning anytime soon I'm pretty sure channel 10 would be advertising it like crazy. It'll probably return in Feb or March.
  11. prima_donna

    best female r&b singer?

    I agree. Vocally, she pales in comparison to Beyonce and her new song "Kharma" really sucks.
  12. prima_donna

    Channel 7 is losing it...

    I use to love Sabrina and I'm so glad it's back on. Aaahh..memories of my childhood.
  13. prima_donna

    gwen stefani

    That's because she's got so much make-up on. She looked better when she was in the studio in the video clip.
  14. prima_donna

    Anyone interested in reading and meeting new friends

    Oh, I thought this thread was about joining a real book club.
  15. prima_donna

    Lemony Snicket

    What a unique name - Lemony
  16. prima_donna

    Finding Neverland

    That's utter bull and you know it. Finding Neverland and Blade: Trinity are completely different movies from different genres. Blade is just a mindless popcorn movie while Neverland is an art-housy type of flick.
  17. prima_donna

    Big Brother 2005!

    You've got to be kidding me about the ratings. How can people even watch this show? It sucks big time.
  18. prima_donna

    what are the powers of a mod?

    Oh, didn't see that..I'm so stoopid
  19. prima_donna

    what are the powers of a mod?

    and how do you get to be one? Just curious...
  20. prima_donna

    Your first EVER crush?

    The earliest I can remember is Jonathon Taylor Thomas from Home Improvement. All the dudes at my primary school were fugly. I didn't start getting real life crushes until year 7.